Tuesday 7 December 2010

Honey has gone blind

Honey's eye sight is now definitely going bad, I think she may be almost completely blind. There is a silver grey film on top of her eyes, she keeps bumping into things. Both eyes are the same. It started with very faint film a couple of weeks before my last holidays. Duncan had her eyes checked and said there was no problem, just old age. Over the last two weeks the film has gotten more visible.

Of course she doesn't seem to be much bothered, I on the other hand am taking it really bad. It breaks my heart to see her like this. Hopefully I will adjust soon. She can still see some light, she blinks if I take a pic with flash on, and gets startled if light goes on in a dark room. Bless her my lovely little bunny. I wish I could fix her eyes so she can see again...

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