Friday 24 September 2010

Vet visit - Fur mites second injection

Today we got second Ivermectin injection, a stronger dose for Honey since the mites are not clearing up fast. I think she itches a bit less but still, must be uncomfortable. Ollie doesn't really have any signs, but he is being treated anyway as a safety precaution.

Today was Ollies first examination on the table at the vet's. He must get used to being handled a bit more. He didn't flinch at the needle, but it is still a very tense experience to him.

We have pencilled in a neutering date, if all goes well it will be the 8th October 2010. Fingers crossed!

Sunday 19 September 2010

New garden on the way

I finally finished digging up the garden today. Seeds of timothy hay, rye grass and alfalfa grass went in and let's hope bunnies will have a lovely grassy salad to munch on pretty soon!

Thursday 16 September 2010

Vet visit - Fur mites again

On tuesday I noticed some matted fur on Honey's butt, and on closer inspection a little fur loss and there it was! Fur mites again. Straight to the vet for Ivermectin Injection. The vet couldn't find anything on Ollie but I am sure I've spotted one or two speckles of white "dandruff".

Mites infestation of officially the one condition I hate the most in rabbits. Last year on the November 18 my other rabbit Judy died after treatment with Xeno 450. I find it very difficult again, I miss my boy so much!

This is the second time Honey had mites, she keeps grooming all the time poor thing. I disinfected the entire house again, but I wish there was something else to be done to lessen the itching. Back to the vet next Friday for second injection.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Somebunnie paused my TV!

Ollie was coming up to me all morning while I was trying to eat my breakfast cereal, but he kept running off before I could get a cuddle. The I came out the shower, tv is paused and the empty bowl sitting sideways on the table.

And bunnies? A picture of innocence, but I have a good idea of who that was!

Honey: 2.5kg (must make sure she gets her fair share of food)
Ollie: 3.2kg (like a hoover, will eat anything, anytime)

We didn't do anything!

Thursday 9 September 2010

Ollie's turn to sneeze

Honey is doing well, and stopped sneezing now. Eyes have cleared up too, although it might be Ollie doing a good job of cleaning her face. I heard Ollie sneeze twice now so I spoke to Laura its his time for Baytril and Metacam.

He fights as anything if I try to constrain him and squeeze the medication into him, but then I discovered he will take it himself. He actually wants to eat the whole syringe, but at least it makes my job easier. What a good boy!

Friday 3 September 2010

Sneezy bunny

Over the last few weeks Honey sometimes has a bit of a wet fur in the corner of her eyes. Last weekend I noticed a couple of sneezes, but on Tuesday there was big while snotter up her nose.  She is well otherwise and eats well. I called my new vet and he recommended starting her on Baytril and separating the rabbits. The minute he said that I lost my faith in his experience with rabbits.

Today we met yet another new vet. Laura is very nice, and obviously knows that you are not supposed to separate bonded rabbits. She confirmed it was just a very mild infection and nothing to worry about and added Metacam for a good measure. Honey should be better in a couple of days, but I should watch for Ollie. I suppose everything comes in twos again...