Tuesday 28 August 2012

Rabbit syphylis?

Ollie had little crusts in the corners of his mouth for ages, but now noticed his chin is bold and a little swollen. No change of behaviour, didn't notice him scratching or anything. Vet says rabbit syphylis and injects penicillin. Another two jabs am to give myself one week apart. No other action needed, Honey is not affected. Ollie what u been getting up to when am not at home? BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Saturday 28 April 2012

Vaccination time!

Time goes by so fast, vaccinations due again. Another trip to Dunfermline, hope it's the last time :) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Sunday 22 May 2011

Ollie's birthday party

Ollie's birthday was a great success, everyone had tons of fun! Carrot cake on the menu for humans and veggie kebbabs for the buns. Later on we took Oliver for a walk on the leash for the first time ever. Confused but was coping well. I think he was very interested to discover the garden beyond the bunny garden!

Need to make up a date and celebrate Honey's 10th birthday sometime in the summer!

Friday 20 May 2011

Happy Birthday Ollie!

Oliver is one year old today. This is the first time I know my rabbit's real birthday date so we are celebrating with a party! The theme is pyjama party with rabbit ears and carrot cake. Prezzys include a small hay box with hidden fruit treats and a vegetable kebbab. We should take Ollie for a walk in the garden as well, we are going to put him on a leash for the first time.

Sure we will all have loads of fun, pics to follow!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Abscess gone?

Laura, Duncan and Romaine got together to discuss the abscess and decided that this will require a long term treatment with antibiotics. For now, Septrin and Metronidazole(Flagyl) should suffice, however they are likely to stop woking at some point. As a back up we will use Penicillin injections when this happens. For now Honey is doing very well I did not see any puss in the last two weeks. Before that I squezed a rather large (pea size) amount from the nose gland (where the lip splits, below the nose). I stopped antibiotics last week, and then Metacam a couple of days later. She seems alright, sleeps loads, but is eating well. I leave her will full bowl of food overnight (hard pellets and veg) and by the morning its all gone. Ollie is doing well too, doesn't mind being separated too much, just sleeps in his box. In the morning they behave like they didn't see each other for months! I often let them share a meal, and Ollie is very happy to give Honey some of his food. I think she is encouraged to eat when he is around because the food doesn't last long.

Ollie's dad asked if I would take another Giant Papillon, a 2 year old girl. I really really wish I could, but I think its best for Honey to have Ollie all to herself. I bet Oliver would love the idea tho, I think he would like to have someone else to play with. I don't want Honey to be rejected or bullied, they both love each other.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Teeth again

Honey has been slowing down with food so Laura thought its best to sort it out asap. We went for dental yesterday. She recovered well but not eating straight away, very sleepy. Next time do it on a Friday so that I can look after her over the weekend.

The abscess is behaving but it's still there.