Thursday 18 November 2010

A year has passed

It's been a year today since my white bunny died. I miss him so much I can't describe. Ah Judy, I only wish for one last cuddle... I love you forever.

Judy and Honey, 15 August 2005

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Vet visit - VHD jab time!

This time both bunnies are getting their jabs together. It's Ollie's first VHD vaccination and Honey's kind of first, since I convinced Duncan to give them Lapinject as opposed to Cylap. Fingers crossed both bunnies will cope well.

Monday 1 November 2010

Strange encounters

I was woken up by my downstairs neighbour tv at around 4am. Even tho the parties now stopped for a while she was still managing to keep me awake at night, I was pretty mad.

Whatever show she was watching finished around an hour later and I was trying to fall asleep again. Suddenly I started to see big flashes in my eyes (somebody once told me that means your brain sells are dying) and so I thought my brain just burst. Then I felt Honey jump up on the bed and hop along to my head tickling me with her whiskers. I felt the quilt move, she moved my hair and I could hear the little breathing next to my ear. I thought "how did she get in to my bedroom? the door is closed" and then immediately I realised "that's not Honey". It was Judy, he died on the 18 November 2009. I recognised him by his breathing, it was always faster then Honey's.

Immediately I wanted to turn to the other side and to have a look at whatever was there. If it was Judy, I wanted to see him. I would do anything for one last cuddle with my baby. The only problem was that I couldn't move! I seemed to be completely paralysed and this really freaked me out. I think it only lasted for a few seconds, but not being able to move is very scary, particularly when you think your dead bunny is visiting!

Eventually my body seemed to move again and quickly turned to see nothing. I thought I was going completely mad. I know I wasn't sleeping and I know a rabbit was in my bed, and Honey and Ollie were in the kitchen cause I could hear them! It was exactly 5:04am on the clock but since it was a time change that night it was 4:04am, and the next day was halloween. Spooky or what.

So I tried to go back to bed thinking about Judy and then I felt my body doing it again. Flashes in my eyes and I started to get paralysed. I quickly opened my eyes, even if I couldn't move I wanted to see him! I only caught the back legs and the tail as he jumped up on my pillow behind me. It happened a few more times again, bunny hoping along on my bed and I'm laying there paralysed (with fear?). The floor was creaking and the radio was making funny noises too, even tho it was off. I really thought I was going crazy!

So I told everybody and work, and thank god someone could offer an explanation! Apparently it's a well known phenomena called "sleep paralysis". It can occur either on falling asleep or on awakening, and basically its the opposite of sleepwalking. The brain wakes up but the body remains paralysed. It is accompanied by terrifying hallucinations. People usually experience extremely scary encounters with goblins or such like, so I think I was very lucky. Still, freaky or what?

Here is wiki link